
Moving to Australia – The Ultimate Checklist Before Your Departure

Here’s the perfect pre-departure checklist before you move to Australia:

Moving to another country is a big step, so to make the move easy, here is the ultimate checklist to guide you through it.

1. Passport 

The first important document to keep ready before you fly is – your passport. If you do not have a passport yet, apply for one as soon as possible. This document will be your identity card throughout your stay.

2. Visa

It goes without saying that to be legally admitted to Australia you have to apply for a visa. To find out which visa best suits your needs, you can visit the Australian Government immigration website: click here.

To make it easier for your, here are the three most commonly used visas:

– Working Holiday Visa (WHV) that allows you to work full-time (during 6 months maximum for the same company) and to travel in Australia for a year,

– Student Visa that allows you to stay in Australia for the duration of your studies,

– Visitor Visa that allows you to stay and to travel in Australia as a tourist for 3 months.

If you need a consultation with an immigration agent, fill this form to get in touch with our partner Hillman & Associates (english & frech speaking). 

3. Bank

With commissions and exchange rates, paying or withdrawing money abroad can be surprisingly expensive. Therefore, to avoid these kinds of fees, banks offer fast and simple solutions. We recommend talking to your bank agent before you leave  your country or alternatively, you can check Wise to manage your money transfers. Another important point to keep in mind is to bring the ID and password of your online bank account so you can regularly check your bank balance during your stay. It is also recommended to open your bank account online before your departure and you can easily do that on Commonwealth Bank’s or Westpac’s websites. 

WHV holders are required to have at least AU$5,000 in your bank account (approx. 3160€).

4. Update your Mailing address

Before you leave you must make sure you update your mail address to your new one or you can direct it to a trusted relative or friend’s address after getting their permission.

It is also recommended to make them legally able to make decisions for you if you have any issues with your bank or any other mail.

5. Health insurance

This is one of the most crucial steps. You must make sure to subscribe to a health insurance that will cover you during your whole Australian journey.

WHV holders and visitors to Australia do not have access to Medicare (the insurance scheme that gives Australian citizens and permanent residents access to healthcare). They are therefore responsible for all costs associated with hospital, medical and para-medical health care rendered in Australia, whether provided in a public and or private hospital setting.

It is then strongly recommended to ensure you are fully covered for any unplanned medical and or hospital care you may need while in Australia. At Australiance, we trust in our partners Chapka and Iman to accompany you during your stay. 

For Working Holiday VIsa holders, click here to get more information on Chapka’s long trip insurance (>3 months).

For any other working visas, click here to explore Iman health insurance options. 

6. Phone (Keep it unlocked and Suspend your contract)

When you buy a phone with an operator, it will only work with SIM cards from this operator. In order to be able to use an Australian SIM card, you must unlock your phone. This is because when you unlock your phone, you will be able to use any SIM card.

You can suspend your contract with your phone operator for a certain amount of time and still own the same phone number while you are away from home. The cost of this ranges between 2 and 6€ a month. Contact your operator to know more.

7. Health Checkup

A complete check-up at the doctor before your departure is essential. It will also be the perfect moment to ask him for your medication orders that you will need if you plan to travel with medicine. The reason why you take your medicine must be explicitly written in your medication orders to avoid any issues when you arrive.

8. International driving licence

If you hold a driver’s licence in your country, it is advisable to apply for an international driving permit (IDP) before leaving. It is simply a translation of your existing national driving licence: it is free, valid for 3 years and renewable.

Depending on your country, different documents may be required, such as a copy of your driving licence, photos, and forms of identification.

Remember to bring both, your national as well as your international driving permit to be authorised to drive a vehicle in Australia.

9. Accommodation

There are many long-term and short-term accommodations available within the cities and suburbs of Australia. Depending on your requirements, there are plenty of options from which you can choose a suitable place to stay.

10. Health mutual and internet (terminate your contracts)

Before moving, it is advisable to terminate your health mutual and internet contracts by sending an email with the reason why you want to terminate your contract with supporting documents so as to avoid termination fees.

11. Plane tickets

Airfares are unpredictable and will depend on various factors such as, when you book your ticket (the more you wait, the more expensive), where you take off, the time of the day…

Price: Depending on when and where you take off, it could vary from AU$1,000 to AU$3.000 for economy class.

Tip: If you take off from Europe, our partner Travelticket can advise you and help you book the cheapest airfares (whether it’s economy or business class). Ask for a free quote.

12. Important documents

Always bring copies of your most important papers with you. In case of loss, robbery or theft, having a copy of your papers will save a lot of time. Moreover, you’ll always need copies of such papers to: open a bank account, rent a car, rent an accommodation, and such. We recommend giving copies to a trusted person.

Tip: Scan and save your most important papers on your laptop and don’t forget to secure it with a password.

13. Things to pack

It is recommended to travel light so you have room for things that you will buy in Australia. Always make sure to be aware of the maximum baggage weight of the airline you are travelling with. Most of the airlines have a weight limit: 25 kgs for Air Austral, 30 kgs for Emirates, 2*23 kgs for China Eastern Airlines and 30 kgs for Singapore Airlines for example.


Be sure to always carry:

  • ID as well as your important documents
  • Address of your accommodation when you arrive
  • Your Australian visa
  • Address of the embassy of your country
  • Bank account online ID and password
  • Health insurance information
  • Australian dollars

Things to carry in your suitcase:

  • Camera (+ spare battery and charger)
  • SD card for your camera
  • Laptop + charger
  • International driving licence
  • Adapters
  • First-aid kit
  • Toilet bag (toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, shampoo, comb, nail clipper, tweezers…)
  • Bath towel
  • Jacket
  • Sunglasses
  • Travel guide
  • Pen

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